Snow Day

Snow has been a rare occurrence this winter.

Iron Gate

So when I woke up to a veritable blizzard last week, the idea of going to work suddenly seemed more appealing.


Taking pictures while walking to the subway is a delightful cure for the common commute.


There was a guy walking behind me who seemed completely mystified as to why I would voluntarily spend one second longer then necessary outside.


I didn’t notice until I got home that evening and looked at these photos how delicate and crystalline the snow was.


It was a wonderful day.


~ by ann on February 27, 2008.

9 Responses to “Snow Day”

  1. Wow, you get such pretty snow over there. I live in Buffalo, and it’s just sheets of ice.

  2. Beautiful photography, I´ve never seen snow that looks that fluffy. I´m gonna be in NYC for the first time in late April-early May, so I´m hoping spring is just as beautiful as winter, or even more so.
    And as soon as I have more time, I´m gonna check your archives to get some new ideas of things to do there, and probably write you an email with questions later on if you don´t mind.

  3. Cartoon Robot — Ugh, Buffalo. I’ve been there in winter, it scared me. Think warm fuzzy thoughts!

    Marce — Oooh, that’s a lovely time to visit the City! Please feel free to shoot me an email!

  4. Wondreful photos.

  5. truly beautiful. The last one was my favorite

  6. These are beautiful photos. And I love your banner!

  7. These photos are beautiful! Such a pleasure to stumble upon your lovely blog! Any season, I always love my visits to NYC.

  8. cold…

  9. great photos. they make me miss New York.

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